Aia Beraia
Ilia State University-University of Münster
- BA Studies: Political Science, Ilia State University, 2007-2012
- MA Studies: Gender Studies, Tbilisi State University, 2015-2017
- Freelance researcher, 2015-2019
- Researcher, Tbilisi Pride, 2019-2020
- Invited lecturer, Masculinity Studies, Tbilisi State University, 2018
- Invited lecturer, Introduction to Feminist Theory, Ilia State University, 2018-2020
Feminist Ethics of Sexuality: Sexual Freedom and Sexual Citizenship
Sexuality and the meaning of sexual freedom is discussed in philosophic literature at the intersections of feminist ethics, citizenship and biopolitics. Apart from broad definitions of ‘ethics’, ‘freedom’ and ‘citizenship’ in philosophy, they are also theorized and reconceptualized by feminist and queer theorists. Their work represents a critique of traditional Western ethics and political philosophy which ‘depreciate or devalue women’s moral experience.’ Biopolitics is another important concept/theory that can be applied to the issue of sexuality. According to Michel Foucault, power/biopolitics regulates body and life through domination and subjugation – thus biopolitics is presented as a negative force. However, the recent works of Roberto Esposito are an attempt to rethink this relationship between life and power. Esposito equips us with a new concept of ‘affirmative biopolitics’, ‘in which life would no longer be the object but somehow the subject of politics’. Following these debates, the aim of the research is to study the feminist ethics of sexuality through the possible meanings of sexual freedom and sexual citizenship.
- Beraia, Aia. 2019. “Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Context of Agricultural
Development.” http://younggreens.ge/ka/publications/uy77
- Beraia, Aia. 2019. “Hegemony in Post-Soviet Georgia: Types of Nationalisms and Masculinities,”
Feminist Critique 2, http://feminist.krytyka.com/en/articles/hegemony-post-soviet-georgia-typesnationalisms-and-masculinities
- Beraia, Aia. 2018. “Women’s Labour and Sexuality in Georgian Soviet Village,” ხმა ქართველი
ქალისა 2, http://womensvoice.tsu.ge/index.php/WOM/article/view/2500
- Dilanyan, Sona, Aia Beraia and Hilal Yavuz. 2018. “Beyond NGOs: Decolonizing Peacebuilding
and Human Rights,” Caucasus Edition 3 (1), 157-173, http://caucasusedition.net/wpcontent/uploads/2019/01/CHALLENGING-GENDER-NORMS-DEALING-WITH-THE-PAST-ANDPROTECTING-THE-ENVIRONMENT
- Beraia, Aia. 2017. “Feminist Movement in Georgia: Generations, Ideologies and Struggle for Autonomy.” In Feminist Dialogue (ფემინისტური დიალოგი), 4-39. Tbilisi: Union Sapari.
- Beraia, Aia. 2017. Nationalism and Hegemonic Masculinity in Post-Soviet Georgia.(ნაციონალიზმი და ჰეგემონური მასკულინობა პოსტსაბჭოთა საქართველოში). Tbilisi: Women’s Fund in Georgia.
- Beraia, Aia. 2017. “The Russian Revolution and Georgian Feminists: Woman as a Political
Subject,” ხმა ქართველი ქალისა 1. http://openjournals.gela.org.ge/index.php/Wom/article/view/1795]
- Beraia, Aia, Maia Tabidze and Mariam Kajaia. 2016. “Reproductive Attitudes of Lesbian Women,” EMC, 2016.
- Tabidze, Maia and Aia Beraia. 2016. “Russian Soft Power in Georgia: Homophobic, Transphobic
and Heteronormative discourse of the Elites.”
In Voices of the Oppressed:Research, Art and Activism for Social Change, 59-125, https://emc.org.ge/ka/products/krebulichagrulta-khmebi-kvleva-khelovneba-da-aktivizmi-sotsialuri-tsvlilebebistvis
- Moderator of the panel discussion, “Strengthening of the Radical Groups: How Can We Respond to the Challenge”, International LGBTQ Conference – Equality in Public Space, Tbilisi, June, 2019.
- “Beyond NGOs: Decolonizing Peacebuilding and Human Rights,” Community-Driven Conflict
Transformation in the South Caucasus: Challenging Gender Norms, Dealing with the Past and
Protecting the Environment, Tbilisi, December, 2018.
- “Nationalism and Hegemonic Masculinity in Post-Soviet Georgia,” QueerFemSEE International
conference (Queer and Feminist Studies in Eastern Europe international conference), Bucharest,
November, 2017.
- “The Russian Revolution and Georgian Feminists,” Women in War 4th annual conference: Gender
in Revolution, War and Peace-building, Odessa, October, 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
- “Georgia as the Part of the Third World: NGO-ization of Feminist and Queer Movements,” The Third Annual Gender Studies Students’ Conference, Tbilisi, May, 2017.
- “The Russian Revolution and Georgian Feminists: Woman as a Political Subject,” The Second Annual Gender Studies Students’ Conference,Tbilisi, April, 2016.
- Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Mphil student/Researcher, Anthropology of Development, University of Bergen 2012-2014
I am honored to be the part of “Democracy, Human Rights and Religion” – the joint Ph.D programme of the Ilia State University and the Münster University. I think that this is an excellent opportunity for my personal and academic/professional development. Having access to the resources of two universities in Georgia and Germany promises rich academic experience – hope I will be able to work productively and develop my dissertation with help of academic literature, conferences, supervisors and other Ph.D students.