Olia Rcheulishvili

Olia Rcheulishvili was selected as a holder of the post-doctoral short-term Young Researcher Grant, in the framework of  Carl Friedrich Lehman-Haupt International Doctoral Program (LHIDP). The funding started in May, 2020 and will last for eleven months. The title of her research project is Study the uptake process of some monovalent and divalent ions by bacteria of Arthrobacter species.”

Olia has defended her doctoral dissertation in Biophysics (Ph.D degree) at Ilia State University (ISU), School of Natural Sciences and Engineering. She completed her academic degree of Certified Specialist (MA) in Biological Toxicology at the faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences at I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. 

Currently, Olia is a researcher at Ilia State University, Institute of Biophysics. She is Invited lecturer of Biophysics at the School of Natural Sciences and Medicine. At the same time Olia works as a trainer at European University. 

E-mail: olia.rcheulishvili.1@iliauni.edu.ge 


List of Scientific Publications:

  1. Heavy metals specific proteomic responses of a highly resistant Arthrobacter globiformis 151B, O. Rcheulishvili, L. Tsverava, R. Solomonia, A. Rcheulishvili, M. Gurielidze, N. Metreveli, HY. Holman; Annals of Agrarian Sciences; http://journals.org.ge/index.php/aans/issue/archive Vol 17 No 2 (2019); pp 218-229
  2. Study of Accumulationof Some Chemical Elements in the Atmospheric Sediments of Georgia By the Method of Mosses Biomonitoring Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry; E. Kirkesali, T. Kalabegishvili, L. Tugushi, O.Rcheulishvili; Proceedings of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences Chemical series  2017 #3-4 Volume 43;  pp 373-382.2017
  3. Effect of Chromate on DNA of Arthrobacter globiformis; O. Rcheulishvili, N. Datukishvil, I. Gabriadze, T. Kutateladze, D. Pataraya, M. Gurielidze, N. Metreveli; Nano Studies. 2013, 7, 193-200. 
  4. Effect of Zn(II) on the reduction and accumulation of Cr(VI) by Arthrobacter species. Nelly Y. Tsibakhashvili, Tamaz L. Kalabegishvili, Alex N. Rcheulishvili, Etery N. Gintury, Levan G. Lomidze, David N. Gvarjaladze, Olia Rcheulishvili, H.-Y. N. Holman. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol 38(11):1803-8 (2011), PMID 21547698
  5. Decomposition of Cr(V)-diols to Cr(III) Complexes by Arthrobacter Oxydans/ N. Tsibakhashvili, T.Kalabegishvili, A. Rcheulishvili, I. Murusidze, S. Kerkenjia, O. Rcheulishvili, H.-Y. Holman. Microbial Ecology, 57(2), 360-365/ 2009