Young Researcher Grant is awarded to high-potential, aspiring candidates who recently completed their doctorate at Ilia State University and are looking to pursue a career in academia. The grant provides funding of 500 EUR for 11 -month short-term research project and is based on cooperation between Ilia State University Tbilisi (ISU) and Georg-August-University of Göttingen (UGOE). Since the Young Researcher Grant is not designed as a full post-doc position, it rather offers suitable candidates an opportunity to acquire funding for a path into a post-doctoral position. 

Along with the award of the funding, the position demands a contribution to the doctoral program, for e.g.:  by assisting a professor in the supervision of a doctoral student, offering at least one non-disciplinary event, conducting workshops or seminars, etc.

 Grant holder has an obligation to publish a high-impact scientific article in English as an outcome of the short-term research project.