Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are regulated by code of conduct for students. In case of violation of the Student Code of Ethics, the issue of disciplinary action can be raised by any person or a student involved in the University activities. The issue is investigated by a disciplinary committee, which requires explanations from the parties and makes a decision on imposing the disciplinary measure established by the Student Code of Ethics. PhD students are not regarded as a separate group and the same procedures apply to their conflict resolutions. Faculty representatives cannot recall any issues raised by or in regards to PhD students. This is no formal person of trust and ISU does not intend introducing such a structure in the near future.

Information about the Schools and Doctoral studies:
School of Arts and Sciences-
School of Natural Scuences and Medicine –
School of Business, technology and Education –
For acquiring information about exchange programmes(Erasmus/Daad,etc) please, contact the Office of International Relations:-
Information about Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation Scholarships –
Students Psychological Counselling Centre at ISU-