On December 1, 2020 the International Doctoral School will organize a training entitled “Information Seeking and Literature Review” for PhD students registered at Ilia State University.

The main questions/topics covered during the session will be:

  • The effective usage of academic databases – How can we classify them and what should we know before starting to search for the scientific sources?
  • How to use the databases: ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global; ProQuest Research Library; Sage Publishing; Taylor and Francis Online; ScienceDirect.
  • How can the credibility of scientific sources be assessed? (Citation Index; H-index and Impact-Factor). The usage of Scopus, Web of Science and Journal Citation Report will be demonstrated.
  • Ilia Uni Library Database-How to use them.
  • Reference Management Systems – Mendeley, Endnote.

The workshop will be helpful for young researchers, especially those who are working on scientific publication. The attendees will have an opportunity to actively participate in the workshop and thoroughly discusses the issues as referred above.

Maximum Number of participants: 15

Training duration: 6 hours (starting at 10:00 am)

Language: Georgian

The training will be delivered via Zoom, in Georgian language. It is designed for ISU’s second- through eighth-semester PhD students with Active Student Status.

Preference will be given to doctoral students enrolled in joint programmes of the International Doctoral School. Applicants will be selected on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. All other applicants will be placed on a reserve list.

In the case of missing the workshop without a three-day prior notice, selected doctoral students will be denied an opportunity to attend training sessions throughout next 6 months.

Please submit a completed registration form by 25 November, 18:00. Incomplete and late applications will not be processed. For the registration form, follow the link:

The workshop has been organized in cooperation with the Library of Ilia State University.

About the trainer: 

Giga Khositashvili is Deputy Library Director at ISU. He holds his MA degree in Information and Library Sciences and has been working at ISU library for almost ten years. He has done exchange studies at Tallinn University (Estonia) and study placement at Middlesex University Library (UK). Science 2011, he has done staff mobility for training purposes at Linkoping University and University of Uppsala libraries (Sweden); Valladolid University Library in Spain; University of Porto in Portugal and many others. In addition to this, he is also teaching different courses at the Academic Writing Center at ISU. You can find more about him in the following link