This workshop, in the end, is about productivity. But because everyone writes differently, it is also about knowing and developing yourself as a writer. To take control of your writing, you need to make tacit knowledge explicit and turn it into conscious working habits.

Therefore, you need to: 

  • Know the writing process: in general, and your own.
  • Track your writing: what do you actually do when you write?
  • Optimize your writing: know what not to do anymore, and what to do instead!

The workshop is thus centered around writing process management, reflecting on writing experiences, improving your writing strategies, and controlling the quality of your text production.

We will have online meetings for input, discussion and feedback. In between these meetings you will work in groups, analyzing your writing and applying writing strategies. All exercises are straight hands-on approaches to reflect on intellectual craftsmanship or to produce ideas and even texts that can (with a little effort) be directly used for the thesis or other PhD-related projects.

Note: This workshop is not an English for Academic Purposes language class. Nevertheless, we will deal with stylistic features of academic prose.

The workshop is an online-course. It will take place from 4.6. – 9.7.2020.

Dates and Times: Day#1 – 04.06.2020, Thursday, 10:00 – 13:00. Day#2 – 18.06.2020, Thursday 10:00 – 13:00. Day#3 – 02.07.2020, Thursday 10:00 – 13:00. Day#4 – 09.07.2020, Thursday, 10:00 – 13:00.

In between these dates, participants will work on exercises (individually and in groups).

About the trainer: David Kreitz works in writing pedagogy since 2009. He studied Sociology and American Studies at the Universities Göttingen and Boulder (CU, USA) and completed professional training on writing pedagogy at PH Freiburg. He has been teaching writing classes in German and English at the Universities Göttingen, Hannover, and Dresden, as well as for Graduate and Scholarship Programs. He is editor of “JoSch: Journal für Schreibwissenschaft” (JoWriS: Journal of Writing Studies) and on the editorial board of the book series “Theorie und Praxis der Schreibwissenschaft” (Theory and Practice of Writing Studies).

Language of Instruction: English

Maximum Number of Participants: 16

Registration: Prior registration is required and the principle of priority applies. The registration deadline is May 28, 2020, 18:00. For registration please use the registration online form: