workshop on Working with Sources for doctoral students and young researchers

On February 22, 2020   International Doctoral School of Ilia State University and the Centre for Academic Writing jointly organized a workshop on Working with Sources for doctoral students and young researchers.

The aim of t

his five-hour workshop was to encourage practical, hands-on exploration of specific academic writing aspects that PhD students face when writing their thesis.

The workshop covered the following issues:

  1. Engaging with sources when writing the thesis: how to represent the source material accurately, but also develop it by e.g. paraphrasing and summarizing
  2. Integrating the source material in compliance with the citation style used in the field:
  • in-text and out-of-text references
  • drafting references and bibliography
  • working with footnotes and/or endnotes
  • using citation and quotation effectively and accurately
  1. Academic integrity and types of plagiarism