The International Doctoral School and the School of Arts and Sciences jointly announce the call for applications for the Young Researcher Grant 2021. The call for applications addresses postdocs who obtained their doctoral degree from Ilia State Univeristy after 2017 in one ofthe following disciplines: Cultural Studies, Political Science, Sociology, Philology, Philosophy, Psychology, History, History of Art or Archeology. Only postdocs at the School of Arts and Sciences are eligible to apply.
The position will be funded for the duration of 11 months (May 2021 to March 2022) and provides the means for conducting a post-doctoral short-term research project, i.e. a monthly salary and fundsfor equipment and/or materialsrequired to carry out the short-term research project. The grant holder will as well be assisting his/her professor in supervision of a doctoral student and the development of a doctoral colloquium at the School of Arts and Sciences.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail to: by the end of the application deadline. Please indicate “Young Researcher Grant” in the subject line. The application deadline is April 10 ,2021, 18:00 Georgian time (GET).
For detailed information on application requirements, eligibility criteria and procedures please see the full call for applications and the application form below:
Call for Application
Application Form
Contact information: