The defense of the dissertation “Differential Subject Marking in Georgian” of Svetlana Berikashvili, the doctoral student of the Carl Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program of the joint transdisciplinary international doctoral program of Ilia State University and the Georg-August University of Göttingen (Germany) will be held in the G106 auditorium of Ilia State University on February 7, at 14:00.

The program gives the doctoral student the opportunity to defend the dissertation through the model based on the Cotutelle principle and to receive a double doctoral degree and a diploma from both universities.

The doctoral student studies the Differential Subject Marking (DSM) in the Georgian language within the framework of the theory of generative syntax and concludes that the differentiation of subject cases is not only the result of the operations that occur after the syntactic representation in the morphological structure (MS) at the phonetic form (PF) level, on the contrary, both assignment of case and agreement based on the assigned case (dependent, unmarked, etc.) are part of the syntax. The dissertation explains the assignment of the so called “non-canonically labeled” ergative and dative cases of a subject through a pure DC algorithm and concludes that DC Theory is sufficient to analyze the assignment of structural cases.

Scientific supervisors from the Georg-August University of Göttingen: Professor, Dr. Hedde Zeijlstra (UGOE), Professor, Dr. Anke Holler (UGOE)

Scientific supervisors from Ilia State University:

Professor, Dr. Nino Doborjginidze (ISU), Professor, Dr. Irina Lobzhanidze (ISU)

Working language: English

Time: February 7, 14:00

Location: G106 auditorium of Ilia State University