LHIDP Doctoral Students
- BA Studies: Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics. 2011-2015
- MA Studies: Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Department of Physics, Theoretical Astrophysics, 2015-2017
- Teacher of physics at “millennium school”, 2016-2017
- Teacher of general skills at Tbilisi State University, 2016-2018
“Global Rossby Waves on The Sun”
Rossby waves are also known as planetary waves. They are observed and very deeply studied in Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Planetary Rossby waves are created due to rotation of the planet and they are retrograde propagating of the rotating sphere. These kind of waves are largest planetary waves and have period twice larger than Earth’s rotation period. Solar atmosphere is also rotating fluid system. Rossby waves are observed and studied in context of Solar atmosphere and interior. These waves have been suggested to explain observed mid-range periodicities in solar activity, Recent observational evidence of Rossby waves in the dynamics of coronal bright points and sub-photospheric layers significantly increase the interest towards the waves in the solar context. Rossby waves can play an important role in large scale dynamics of the solar atmosphere and interior. For example, Rossby waves may govern the dynamics of upper convection zone and tachocline.
- 2012 – 73th university physic conference
- 2014 – summer camp “Material Sciences”
- 2015 – university physic conference, contribution “Relaxed States/Equilibrium Structures in the Atmospheres of Compact Stars”
- 2016 – winter camp “Research Methods of Micro and Nano Crystals”
- 2017 – research project “Generation/amplification of magnetic field and flow in outer layers of compact stars by reverse dynamo mechanism” – individual grant holder
” The Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program is a very good opportunity for me, to study double PhD programs simultaneously the and double PhD degree will help me to continue my career in some of the best research centers. I am a student of one of the best European universities as well as of one of the best Georgian universities. The highly qualified professors from both universitier are one more important reason why I was very interested in applying for this program. The research subject I am working on is highly toppical now and the Lehmann-Haupt International Doctoral Program provides me with the opportunity to make a valuable contribution to my scientific discipline through my doctoral research project. “